Click “Add” Complete the user profile form insofar as that data is relevant to your internal tracking Name: | Jess Posgate2 | Title: Address: Line 1 Line 2 City/Town: Province/State Country: Postal Code: Telephone: Email: [SS limit 100 chars) Username & Password Rules In the Login form, assign a username — something personal or unique and memorable (i.e. not “info” or “student”). Usernames should follow these rules: e@ 3-25 characters, that can include © Upper & lower case letters © numerals © underscore e@ and no other character types or spaces an Enter a password following these rules: e 8or more characters, and consist of at least ONE OF EACH of the following: upper case letter lower case letter number symbol from this set:! @#S&-% e and no other symbols or spaces 0000