INTRODUCTION The Newspaper feature of VITA Toolkit is a sophisticated way to display relationships between Publications and their contents. With newspapers, we need to think in terms of structure and hierarchy—at least as we're building the records—so users can navigate and browse related content without losing a sense of which component part belongs with which related item. The main differences in how we approach newspapers depend on your collection: are you working with full run newspapers? Or vertical files full of clippings? With full run papers, you will be supplying issue after issue of the same Publication and uploading page image files for each of those issues. Once those are established, you can link index records to the individual pages too. The relationships are a lot like family resemblances and hierarchies: Some information supplied about the Publication is inherited by the linked issues; some information about the Issue and Publication is inherited by the pages; some information from the Publication and Issue records is inherited by the Index records. With collections of clippings, vertical file collections, or BMDs, ideally you would establish a Publication record for every Publication the index records come from. New records are created for each clipping: you can transcribe or scan the clippings themselves or simply capture as much index information as you can (title, issue date, proper names, Publication, page, column, etc.). The clippings will inherit the Publication title & location information. Each clipping record points the user to the proper page and issue date individually. How the database thinks: