Add Newspaper issue, Step 2 Publication | Markdale Standard, 2 Nov 1882 File Name constants | MarkdaleStd-1¢ Prefix jpg Suffix If your pages have a consistent naming pattern with the page nu’ suffix (e.g. “.tif") in the boxes above. These will be removed, the will be able to further edit that label in a following step. PAGE DISPLAY SIZE The default page viewer will resize page files to 1000px wide for the smallest display. You can change this and determine whether to expand or reduce the display size for your newspaper pages. If you do not use the default, remember to be consistent from issue to issue. If you have optimized the page images for your newspaper pages and want them to display at that size, display click "No" for the Change file size option; the default is "Yes" and allows the tool to automatically resize your image files to display at the selected size. If you select "Yes", use the radio buttons to choose what display width will present best for the page content you are working with. Default is 1000px wide. All Page files in VITA display with a dynamic IIIIF viewer. For dense broadleaf or 6-8 column papers, it is better if the resize is larger than smaller so the zoom function has some depth for the end user or upload JPG 2000 files (recommended).