Jess Posgate SIG Please select the name of the agency whose records you plan to update. « Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario * Lincoln Public Library * Newmarket Public Library Ontario Library Association * .». or log out If you work with a single agency, you will be delivered immediately to the main menu of that agency. Adding records The process for adding items to your digital collection is to add a record with or without a digital file (see the manual for adding records without a file for more details), create the metadata record and associate other files with the record. The following is the basic add record procedure. Note: If you are working with newspaper content (publication profiles, issues, articles/clippings and Birth Marriage & Death index records) see the VITA Newspaper Management or Indexing Articles & BMDs manuals for more specific instructions. Once you click on the login button or agency name, you will be presented with the Main Menu. Go to the Manage Records, Add Records area of the Main Menu and click on and upload file