Selecting Canada and/or the United States will trigger another field where you can choose the Province or State from a drop-down list: ‘Add place oe Enter a minimum of three letters. Constraints: Canada Canada < Select a Province | Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Prince Edward Island juebec Saskatchewan Yukon Once you have set the constraints for Country — and Province or State if applicable — you can then enter data into the Add place field, where a list of locations matching your entry will appear: Full image > Oakville] iv %) No comments Entera mint Oakville, Ontario, Canada (populated place: 43.45011, -79.68292) Constrail Qakville Harbour, Ontario, Canada (harbor(s): 43.43981, -79.67291) Selecta Oakville Conference Center, Ontario, Canada (communication center: 43.4068, -79.73512) Oakville Marina, Ontario, Canada (marina: 43.39309, -79.71293) Note: Make sure the location(s) you assign are the right one for your object, i.e. distinguish between area, populated place, hospital, etc. To adda location by Latitude and Longitude, use the second floating input field: 40