Options Centimetres (cm) or Inches (in) or Pixels (if original is a digital photo) or Not Applicable (na) Status Optional Publicly Displayed Yes Repeatable No Additional Notes © Rec ded to use metric Enter the dimensions using metric measures to a single decimal place. Set the unit of measurement with the radio button. If the original image was a digital photograph, then select "pixels". Only enter a numeric value within the Width and Height text boxes (e.g. 7.5) This measure is for the overall item. Use Image Dimensions to enter the size of the image itself, if it is significantly smaller than the overall mount or matte + frame. IMAGE DIMENSIONS Definition Provide width and height of the dimensions of the original image without matting or mounted borders. Options Displayed options (select list) derived from media type chosen during data entry. Status Optional Publicly displayed Yes Repeatable No Additional Notes © Rec ded to use metric Enter the dimensions using metric measures to a single decimal place. Using the same unit of measurement as the Overall Dimensions, enter a numeric value within the Width and Height text boxes (e.g. 7.5) This measure is for the image itself. Use Overall Dimensions to enter the size of the mount or matte + frame. SCALE | Definition | Scale of map or drawing Options Displayed options derived from media type chosen during data entry. 32