SUBJECTS Definition Provide subject term(s) regarding the content of the original resource represented by the digital object. Options N/A Status Recommended Publicly Displayed Yes Repeatable No Additional Notes Highly recommended / best practice is to select authorized subject terms from the thesaurus provided. The basic set of terms are a subset from the Library of Congress subject headings (Thesaurus of Graphic Materials), which makes the database more compatible with other collections when users do cross- database searches. Assign Subject Term from Thesaurus - To search the thesaurus, type in the first three letters in the blank box, wait a moment for list to appear, then scroll down the list and highlight choice. Click on the entry and the subject heading will be added to the record. Subjects that have been assigned to a record will appear under the “Subjects” label preceded by a check in the checkbox. To unassign a subject heading, uncheck the checkbox and save the record. If you search for a subject that is not in the subject thesaurus, then: Add New Subject Term (Not in Thesaurus) - After entering the term here, use the "Assign Subject Term" box to actually assign it to a record. If you must add a new subject heading, please note the term must have an initial capital and be in plural form where appropriate. Avoid adding Subject headings that are more appropriate for other fields such as Geographic Location or Personal name After adding a new subject heading, it will appear flagged as “unauthorized” in the data management view, not publicly. PERSONAL NAMES Definition Personal names that describe people or occur as part of the intellectual content of the object Options Multiple names in one space separated by semi-colons Status Optional 28