Descriptive Data: Willoughby Polka This helps identify records to enable fast searching from the main menu via the Record ID search box. s Update Record Button - immediately updates the record to include the latest data that you have input. Update the record whenever you enter information in a data field or once you have finished entering the information on a given screen. If you leave the screen before updating the record, all the information you just input will be lost, and you will have to re-enter it again. Tn Muy Pee UE ee rn ws WropIay er uae Uwe: Public Display? | Help Yes @No Preview the updated record as it would appear to an end-user by viewing the record in the Display screen. Always update record before moving to a new screen. c. Public Display - choose whether the record is available on the public site. If yes, the record is available to end-users; if no, the record is only available to internal users of your organization who have login access to VITA software. Note that the default setting is No as illustrated above. d. Helpful reminders - highly recommended data elements will appear on the top of the screen in red if they have not been completed. Main Menu >> Searcn with uploaded file; without upload (Duplicate) Create newtemplate View entry in public site Subj ects Dates [Display | Fieech [Description | Geography | Admin | Groups | Links | Dele | Descriptive Data: Willoughby Polka (id: 1467) lo Item Type has been assigned. Sortable Date has not been assigned. Earliest Year has not been assigned. Latest Year has not been assigned. Fhig Audio record will not display Update ‘the Public Sites. 10