REORDERING PAGES For issues with less than 20 pages, use the elevator buttons by clicking and dragging to reorder pages as required. )_0003p.. For items with more than 20 pages, the page “order” will appear beside the page label in a numeral box. This order starts with the item Thumbnail (assigned order 1), then the Regular (assigned order 2), and then Page 1 (assigned order 3). To reorder, either renumber the whole set and click update or, to insert one page between two others, use ##.5, i.e. if the first page is somehow buried in the rest of the pages, assign the page order number 2.5 and click update. The first page will then be moved into the #3 position and the rest of the pages will follow; unless the labels were correct for each page file, you will need to relabel the pages if the order is changed. See Group management for more details. 15