USER PROFILE INFORMATION The user's name, login name and email address are pre-populated for existing users. Edit those names here if necessary. Full name: should be entered in natural order (i.e. John Smith) Login name: should be unique. Use only alpha (a-z) and numeric (0-9) characters. Email: This is a private email address for that person and for use by VITA managers and OurDigitalWorld staff. The password field is blank but not empty, and should only be edited to change that user's password; leaving it blank will keep the password the same. Password: should not be considered secure. Use 6-8 characters including numbers and punctuation. After the account has been added this appears blank. Only enter something here if you need to change the password, otherwise it will remain the same. After editing the user profile, click “Update” to commit the changes to the index. Remember: User passwords are editable to anyone with access to the user management screen (i.e. users with Level 3 security access and Site Administrators). Any changes to that user’s password and profile, however, is global and will affect that user's access to ALL agencies to which they are assigned. Agencies: Each user can have access to one or more agencies. A list of agencies is shown along with the user's security level. Security Level: To change the user's security level, you must login to the agency in question and change their security level for that agency 17