TITLE The Title is carried forward from the Add/Update screen. You can edit it here. OTHER METADATA The other fields are open for you to add additional information and custom content. Note: what you are describing is the Group and its contents, for example: there may not be one single Item type the Creator might be the name of the person who compiled the Group, not creator of the individual items there might be a Date Range in the Date of Events Depicted Subjects, Personal Names, geographic locations, etc. may all include multiple entries— ornone! Your items should have fulsome records unto themselves. It’s up to you how much summary detail you want to include in the record. Here’s a bare-bones sample Group record in public display that does not add any searchable content to the index (remember, it has NO items at this point): Public Display? | Help: Yes — No Media Type EI | Help Group <———— Secondary Media Types E'® | Help Image Text Video Object Audio Genealogical Resource Newspaper Place Item Type | Help Enter item type: Tite AS | Heip Horticultural Society Collection” ] y