Digital Newspaper (continued from page 29) Work is currently under- way ingesting the files of the Ontario Observer, North Ontario Observer, Port Perry Standard and the Port Perry Star into the new SQ•ugog Digital Newspaper Collection Donations Made it Possible More than $10,0 was raised frorn private donors, Mariyn Pearce foundations and other sources to cxwer the cost of the first phase of the Scugog Digital Project. "When we started the project, we didn't know where we were going to get the money," æcalled Lake Scugog Historical Society 'freasurer Marilyn Pearce. Fundraising started in 2019 before the pandemic. "We would like to thank everyone who Evlieved in this important project and provided financial support," she said. The three major donors were the Mississaugas of Scugog First Nation (Baagwating Ass«iation), the Compton Foundation and the Brock family. "Bill Brock would have loved this," said Marilyn. Bill founded the local historical society and the museum. Marilyn fex•ls that Bill would be proud of his family for carrying on his Aquatic Weed Roller by The most aggressive aquatic weed, algae and sludge removal tool on the market! "Removes lake weeds fast and easy" legacy by supporting the digital newspaper propct. Many local individuals "who believed in this project" also cont ributed. Marilyn appreciation to the Pickering Historical Society for providing advice and to the Scugog Memorial Public Library for assisting with licensing is- sues, and lusting the site. ahere's a new tool in town," enthused Marilyn. "It's very exciting. " Ik•cause Port Perry's IN)th anniversary is Eving cel- ebrated in 2021, Marilyn pointed out that it would interesting to look up newspaper articles from 1871 , to see what was hapvx•ning back when the village was officially registered. Another of Marilyn's ideas is to type your great grand- father's name in the *'arch engine. "His obituary will up, if it was printed in the lcxal newspaper." Marilyn said that there have already been generous offers of financial help to cover the $20,000 of phase two. Fundraising continues. Contacts have Even made with the Torstar Corporation, the current owners of the Port Perry Star, to obtain au- thorization to digitize newspapers from the years 1931 to 2mo. The original quote was for 75000 pages up to the year 2000," Peter recalled. "Only pages to go!" "Unfortunately, newspapers published after the year or 2W1, have not been saved," Peter reported.