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Dundas Museum & Archives, Fall Newsletter 2009, p. 7

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Page 7 D U N D A S M U SE U M & A R C H IV ES You are invited to enjoy a lovely dinner, fine companionship and wonderful entertainment DWWKH'XQGDV0XVHXP$UFKLYH·V Vo l un t eer Pro fil e ~ Lis a D e C i cco! Lisa is a McMaster student, currently in her 5th year of Honours History and Religious VWXGLHV$\HDUDJRVKHµZDQGHUHG¶LQWRWKH McMaster Student Centre and came across WKH9ROXQWHHU)DLU¶7KH'XQGDV0XVHXP seemed ever so interesting to me. I was so excited to see what it was like to work in a museum; to see what it was like behind the VFHQHV¶/LVDKDVEHHQYROXQWHHULQJDWWKH0XVHXPHYHUVLQFH An Oakville resident for most of her life, Lisa discovered Dundas in her QG\HDUDW0DFµ'XQGDVLVDORYHO\TXDLQWFRPPXQLW\,WLVVRGLIIHUHQW from the rest of Hamilton. The community has a welcoming feel to it, as HYHU\RQHPDNHV\RXIHHODVWKRXJKLWLVKRPH¶ µ7KH'XQGDV0XVHXPLVWUXO\DVHFRQGIDPLO\(YHU\RQHLVVRZHOFRP ing to the volunteers and the visitors to the Museum. It is unlike any RWKHUPXVHXP,KDYHHYHUYLVLWHG¶/LVD¶VYROXQWHHUZRUNLQFOXGLQJ EHLQJDGRFHQWDQGRQHRIWKH*XHVW&XUDWRUVRIRXUµ3XW9LFWRU\)LUVW¶ exhibit, certainly contributes to the welcome visitors receive. Thank you, Lisa, for all that you bring to us! Christmas Memories Dinner Saturday, November 28, 2009 Reception at 5:30 pm. Dinner at 6:30 pm. Dundas Town Hall Auditorium 60 Main Street, Dundas $50 per person for Museum Friends $55 per person for Non Members Call the Office at 905.627.7412 for your ticket. (Fully Accessible) Compa ssi on is E v er y t h i ng: R. Sh e l don Murr ay Pri n c i pa l , Dunda s Pub li c Sc hoo l µ$PDQRIKRQRXUDQGLQWHJULW\WRXJKEXWDOZD\VIDLU¶ZHUHZRUGVVSRNHQE\IRUPHUVWXGHQWVRI Ralph Sheldon Murray, Principal of Dundas Public School, 1926 - 1947. The echo of these words describe the charm of our town of Dundas in this year of 2009. Mr. Murray was known affectionately DVµ6L¶,WLVRQO\UHFHQWO\WKDW,KDYHOHDUQHGWKLVZDVKLVFRGHLGHQWLILFDWLRQGXULQJKLVFDUHHUDVD dispatch rider in World War I. R. Sheldon Murray answered the call to become principal for the fall of 1926. A stipulation in his contract required that he be a married man. He was not, but rules are rules. Sheldon and Nellie Betzner, of Greensville, pushed forward their planned wedding date from June 1927 to June of 1926, setting busy tongues of the small town wagging. In 1930 their first child, Marguerite, was born, proving the gossips wrong. I followed 4-½ years later. In his new position of authority, Dad had more rules to follow, rules which did not sit comfortably with this man of a caring and compassionate nature. Dad believed discipline meant helping another to understand the nature of the error and finding a way to correct that behavior. But in those days, discipline by school standards, meant punishment, often taking the form of the dreaded STRAP! That punishment was harder on Dad than the child, and became more painful when the child was his younger daughter. ,QWKRVHPRUHWUXVWLQJGD\VELNHVULGGHQWRVFKRROZHUHOHIWXQORFNHG7KHUXOHWKDWZRUGDJDLQ ZDVµ1R Jean Murray RQHZLOOWRXFKDQ\ELNHZKLFKGRHVQRWEHORQJWRKLPKHU¶7KHUXOHVZHUHXVXDOO\REH\HG - except for the GD\,ORVWP\VHOIFRQWURO1RWKDYLQJDELNHRIP\RZQ,µERUURZHG¶RQHDQGURGHLWRQFHDURXQGWKHSOD\JURXQGEHIRUHUH WXUQLQJLWXQVFDWKHGWRLWVUDFN:HOODSDORIWKHVFKRROEXOO\KDGEHHQZDWFKLQJµWKH3ULQFLSDO¶VGDXJKWHU¶%HIRUHORQJ the VFKRROEXOO\SURFHHGHGWRVQDSDVSRNHRIKHURZQELF\FOHDQGUHSRUWLWDVµP\¶FULPHWRWKH3ULQFLSDO Punishment was meted out in the Office, with an audience listening to be sure I was not allowed to escape charges. I was QRW7REHKRQHVWP\SDOPVUHFHLYHGMXVWRQHVODSRQHDFKKDQG7KHGHVNWRRNWKHUHVW'DG¶VIDWKHU -heart would not DOORZKLPWRFDUU\RXWWKHIXOODOORWPHQW7HDUVIORZHGSURIXVHO\'DG¶VDQGPLQHIROORZHGE\VLQFHUHSURPLVHVWRQHYHUGR that again. Before I left, I received a hug from his loving arms, not something part of the usual disciplinary code. Punishment had been perceived to have been done. Tears were shed. Life went on. This was Dad, whose loving heart held all children in invisible arms. Jean Murray (Thanks, Jean!) Sheldon & Nellie Murray

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