Page 5 D U N D A S M USE U M & A R C H IV ES Our Cov er St or y W i t h Pri d e and Resp e ct +HKHIWHGKLPVHOIDOO¶-ó´RID proud veteran, onto the window ledge of the Grade VIII classroom on the southwest corner of Dundas Public School. November 11 was fast approaching and, tossing out the regular lessons for the morning, he talked to the students about his experiences in Europe during WW I. No dusty textbooks, just memories of a young soldier who signed up at the age of 18 to do his duty to King and Country, accepting whatever the consequences might be. He kept the class entranced for the morning and those memories have lingered in the mind of one student for over 70 years. On the morning of November 11th, Mr. Murray would form up the student of Dundas Public School and, flags flying, they would march to the Cenotaph in Market Square at the corner of Sydenham and King Streets. He limped a bit, but that did not stop him; anyone who knew him well would often comment that he marched everywhere, never walking but marching as tall as possible, given his stature. He was proud of the efforts made by his Country, and his small part. Those students who marched with the Principal understood the sacrifice and respected the memories of soldiers they would never know because their teacher had made WW I come alive and real for their young minds. Jean Murray Pu t V i ct or y F irst : Dunda s F i ghts on t h e Hom e Front O ct ob er 27 , 2009 ² J anua r y 17 , 2010 Victory Bond Drive in Dundas Op e n i ng Re c e p t i on: Tu esday , O ct ob er 27 a t 7:00 pm . Refreshments will be served. The World Wars of the 20th Century touched virtually every aspect of life at home. Everyone - of every age - did what they could to assure victory. µWar effort is something, which is as microscopic in the unit DVWKHLQGLYLGXDOEXWDVPLJKW\LQWKHVXPWRWDODVDQDUP\¶ - Elsie MacGill, Canadian Aeronautical Engineer Put Victory First: Dundas Fights on the Home Front shares stories of men, women and children of the Valley Town: spurred on by patriotism and fully mobilized for the war effort in support of our soldiers engaged overseas. Our Guest Curators are Lisa DeCicco, Alyssa Gomori, Alexandra Saly, Stephanie Smyth, Julia Stacey and Emily Waugh. Each is a student. Each has spent hours at the Museum learning the best practices for exhibit planning and taking them from the theoretical to reality. Each has researched the war effort, and researched more. Their passion for sharing the story is inspiring. 7KH\ZRXOGVD\WKDW¶VEHFDXVHWKHVWRU\LVVRLQVSLULQJ Unveiling of the Dundas War Memorial, 1923 Put Victory First: Dundas Fights on the Home Front Our On t a ri o! The Museum is always looking for ways to make our collections available to as many people as possible. A new initiative for us is Our Ontario. Our Ontario is a site dedicated to bringing the digital collections of archives, museums, libraries and other cultural and heritage organizations to a world wide audience. The Dundas Museum & Archives is participating with our Photograph Collection. We are pleased to announce that over 100 images from our collection are ³XS´ RQ Our Ontario. It is an extraordinary site. If you have internet access, have a look: The Students marching to the Cenotaph, November 11th