Page 8 D U N D A S M U SE U M & A RC H IV ES ´7KH/LWWOH6KRSµ Dundas Museum Christmas cards will be available soon! SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6TH 1 PM ² 4 PM 20% OFF ALL ITEMS FOR MEMBERS 10% OFF FOR EVERYONE ELSE! Hot Apple Cider and Cookies and a free gift in the Lucky Dip! Bill & Jean McMicking, themselves married 53 years! A Celebration of Wedding Traditions Enjoyed by all! Something Borrowed Something Blue Come and Join the Fun Bill Shaffir, a professor of sociology at McMaster University and Wendy Schneider, editor of the Hamilton Jewish News, have completed a five year project documenting the stories of the Jewish Hamilton comPXQLW\IURPWKH¶VWKURXJKWKH¶V The interviews focus on areas of everyday life such as education, the synagogues, the neighbourhood, occupations and antiSemitism. The DVD is now available. The Little Shop at the Dundas Museum & Archives is proud to make this unique history available. The cost is $25.00 Gallery Hours Monday to Friday: 10 am. to 5 pm. Saturday & Sunday: 1 to 4 pm. Archives Hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10 am to 4 pm. Reference Collection only on Saturday & Sunday: 1 to 4 pm Dundas Museum & Archives 139 Park Street West, Dundas, ON L9H 1X8 905.627.7412 Paige visited with her Mom. Dressing up like a bride was very popular with our young visitors. The Last of the Last Page ´.HHSXS WHOOLQJWKHVWRU\µ ³.HHSXSWHOOLQJWKHVWRU\¶-XVWILYH words, but five words that pack a punch. They were written in the 0XVHXP¶V*XHVW%RRN The visitor had already expressed to staff how much he had enjoyed learning about Dundas in the course of his visit that day. Passionate about his own community, he was pleased to be returning to Toronto with a greater understanding and appreciation of Dundas through its years. But his visit to the Museum had also, unexpectedly, touched long forgotten family memories. He was quite delighted to be going home, that afternoon, to share them with others. ³.HHSXSWHOOLQJWKHVWRU\´:KDWDZRQGHUIXOUHTXHVWULFKLQLWV possibilities. Thank you. We will, in as many and varied ways as we can. Stories that will echo across the miles, and across the generations. Take care. Carolyn Westoby Museum Manager